About Us
Farmsigns.com has been in business since 1982. We started our sign company in the summer kitchen of a century old farm house north of Williamstown, Ontario, as Sign It Signs and Design. Our first clients were farmers from our surrounding towns, so we knew early on that our ties to the agricultural community would help form our company's identity.
To date, Farmsigns.com/Sign It Signs & Design have won dozens of international design awards, and have been featured in numerous trade magazines. We were the proud recipients of the Chamber of Commerce coveted "Small Business of the Year" award in 1994, and honoured again with the "Breakthrough" award in 2001 for outstanding community involvement.
After growing our business in Cornwall, Ontario, Farmsigns.com is back where we started, nestled west of Williamstown, Ontario in a beautiful timber frame shop.
Feel free to visit our Sign It Signs and Design website to learn more about our work and history.
CTV interviews Noella Cotnam